The Oxford Reading Tree (ORT)
Here at Kids’ Academy Discovery every pupil in the Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) takes part
in ‘The Oxford Reading Tree Programme’. This is a comprehensive, graded, guided reading programme
that has been developed to teach children to read in finely graded, progressive steps, providing
everything needed to develop fluent, confident and motivated readers.
The stories have been written and illustrated using bright, humorous pictures and a mix of high frequency and phonic words which can be blended and sounded out. Children can readily identify with the characters Kipper, Biff and Chip and the stories can often be easily related back to the child’s own life. The school has a wide range of fiction and
non-fiction books, as well as books directly linked to the Letters and Sounds programme.
In addition, we have many games, interactive whiteboard materials and a variety of interactive resources.
Once a week, during scheduled class library times pupils are given one appropriately leveled Oxford
Reading Tree book. This book is used during the timetabled lessons with the class teacher. The children
work in small groups and at times are taught on an individual, one-to- one basis. Pupils can also take
these books home to share with you. The books have clear easy to follow teaching notes/guidelines on
the inside cover to help you to work with your child at home.
In addition to the Oxford Reading Tree book your child will also be given a ‘Children and Parents Enjoy Reading’ diary. These diaries are designed for both teachers and parents to track books already read, and to record comments on how your child found their book, as well as to follow their personal progress.